New Sounds

The Campaign to Save New Sounds

For more than 40 years, New Sounds with John Schaefer has been a vital platform for adventurous, boundary-pushing music. Now, this iconic program faces an uncertain future, and we need your help to keep it alive. New York Public Radio has launched a $1.5 million campaign to save New Sounds and keep it funded for three years.

To meet this need and keep New Sounds on the air, we are currently seeking individual and institutional support of $15,000 or more to launch the show forward on a sustainable path. A broader grassroots phase of the Save New Sounds campaign will launch later in the spring, and we will share details with our listeners in the near future.


Choose a Thank-You Gift
Your Pledge Amount
Minimum pledge: $15,000.
Payment Information

Please make checks payable to New York Public Radio
And mail to:
New York Public Radio
160 Varick Street
New York, NY 10013

Your Information

Your pledge is part of the campaign to fund New Sounds for three years and is restricted to that purpose. This pledge is only in effect if the campaign is deemed successful. If not deemed successful, you will be given the opportunity to rescind your pledge. If deemed successful, you agree to fulfill this pledge by May 31, 2025.

By clicking PLEDGE your credit card will be securely processed.